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The Comic

As children, it’s hard to imagine the world outside our own neighborhood. Everything you understand or need seems to be right there surrounding you.

Kids have a special and unique way of creating an entire universe in the most infinitesimal of places. A child’s mind soaks up whatever it comes in contact

with and so as adults it’s our obligation to spend quality time with our children to teach them acceptance and understanding.


Ziggy and Zach captures the spirit of childhood innocence. It raises awareness

by weaving the social conventions of Americana with the realities of growing

up in a world that is anything but conventional. The exciting characters that inhabit the neighborhood with Ziggy and Zach are anything but conventional

as well.


Welcome to their universe.

The cartoon is alive with dazzling illustrations, bringing life to the very exciting and dynamic world of kids. You will find activities ranging from sports to chess to rock and roll being undertaken by the Ziggy and Zach kids, just as you would

in real life. The vibrant personalities who inhabit the strip are charming, and the proactive attitude that the Ziggy and Zach kids embody will rub off on both kids and adults.


The comic fosters a positive outlook that teaches the importance of being ambitious, without losing the curiosity and carefree nature that makes being

a kid so fascinating, and let’s face it... downright hysterical.




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